Will the Eberspacher 24mm exhaust flex exhaust connect to an elbow 252481800202 using a 15261102 clamp?

To give you an insight to the whole project I will be connecting the elbow to the D5LC exhaust spigot using a 1526110 clamp then connecting the exhaust flex to the other end of the elbow. It's a marine application by the way. Will this work and do I need any insulation tape etc as the exhaust pipe runs inside the boat. Thank you


Will the Eberspacher 24mm exhaust flex exhaust connect to an elbow 252481800202 using a 15261102 clamp? To give you an insight to the whole project I will be connecting the elbow to the D5LC exhaust spigot using a 1526110 clamp then connecting the exhaust flex to the other end of the elbow. It's a marine application by the way. Will this work and do I need any insulation tape etc as the exhaust pipe runs inside the boat. Thank you

This question is related to Eberspacher or Webasto Exhaust Pipe Flexible 24mm | CUT TO LENGTH | 36061296 | 90394a.

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Answers (3)

Answered by Butler Technik's David Butler
Posted 30th January, 2025 at 11:02 by David Butler

Yes, this Eberspacher D5LC exhaust flex (24mm id) can be used with the exhaust elbow 252481800202 using a 15261102 clamp. Insulation is typically installed onto heater exhaust pipe in marine applications due to the longer exhaust lengths typical, it's very important to retain heat in the exhaust in many boat installs to prevent exhaust gas condensate forming and then returning back to the heater. This can be very damaging to the heater, but also potential of high CO emission.

How long will the exhasut be? are you wishing to route through living areas?  


Posted 30th January, 2025 at 11:14 by Robert Webber
Thank you for your reply. So I need 2 clamps, one each end of the elbow. Is that correct? The exhaust pipe between the elbow and the external outlet connection on the stern is about 1. 4m to. 1. 6m in distance. It runs in a void under a bunk. Can you advise on the insulation I should use and your part number please. Thank you Robert Webber
Posted 30th January, 2025 at 12:16 by David Butler

yes you would require 2 x clamps at the exhaust elbow.

Insulation for exhaust is part number 11004 - see link. For a 1.6 mtr length order 2  metres, the insulation can be 'concertina'd' up no problem


Exhaust length at total 1.6mtrs should be okay for a D5LC without a silencer fitted. Is the void below the bunk sealed from the sleeping area? Not ideal to have heater exhaust and exhaust connections within living/sleeping areas, the exhaust is always likely to have undesirable odours emanating, also potential of carbon monoxide leakages. Please consider the importance of carbon monoxide detectors  etc.


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