Cookie Policy

We use necessary cookies to make our site work. These cookies are set automatically. When you consent to it, we also use other cookies to improve the way our site works, measure how it is used and provide relevant advertising to you.

This policy details how our site works and how we put you in control of managing cookies. It also outlines what cookies are used and why, as well as other information that may be useful to you.


Cookies are small text files set on a site to help operate and support its functionality. They collect and store certain information about the way a site is used, and can help a site integrate with other third party sites. Pixels and tags are similar technologies. For convenience, we refer to all of these as cookies.

Cookies can be set by us or, in some cases, by external third party services who we allow to run on our site, which may include analytics. Cookies set by us are referred to as 'first party cookies', whereas cookies set by external third party services allowed to run on our site are referred to as 'third party cookies'.

We may also refer to 'session cookies', which expire at the end of a user's browsing session (usually when a user exits their browser), and 'persistent cookies', which are stored on your device for a longer period and in between sessions.

If you are based in the UK, there is lots of useful information about cookies on the Information Commissioner's website.


Our site uses cookies to enable certain functionality, such as security and accessibility. These cookies are necessary and set by default. You can disable these cookies by changing your browser settings, but doing so may mean that our site does not work properly.

When you consent to it, our site also uses the following cookies for the following reasons:

  • Preference & Functional Cookies - to allow our site to remember you when you return, as well as what choices you previously made, such as what currency you selected or your choice of language;
  • Performance & Statistics Cookies (sometimes called analytical cookies) - to recognise and count the number of visitors on our site, and to collect other information about how you use our site, such as what pages you previously visited and what links you previously clicked on. These are sometimes third-party cookies; and
  • Marketing & Advertising Cookies (sometimes called targeting cookies) - to collect information about your online activity to help advertisers deliver, for example, more relevant information to you. We may also share this information with third parties for this purpose.

Further information about the cookies we use, as well as the purposes for which we use them, is set out in the table below.


You can change your cookies settings at any time by using the cookies consent mechanism.

The cookies consent mechanism remembers your preferences from your first visit to our site. If you want to change your preferences, you can click on the cog icon at the bottom left of your screen and the cookies consent mechanism will re-appear.

You can accept all cookies by clicking 'Accept All Cookies' or reject all cookies (except necessary cookies) by clicking 'Reject All Cookies'. Alternatively, you can adjust the available sliders to 'On' or 'Off' to indicate your preference for each cookie category by clicking 'Manage Preferences' and saving your preferences. You may need to refresh our site in order for your preferences to take effect.

Our site will only use necessary cookies without your permission – we need your permission to set all other cookies. The cookie consent mechanism does not affect the way that necessary cookies are used. As we set out above, if you would prefer necessary cookies not to be set, you can change your browser settings, but this may mean that our site no longer works properly.



Cookie Name Type Purpose
ASP.NET_SessionId cookie Necessary Cookies This cookie allows our web server to respond to your actions on the website such as "Add to basket" or browsing the website. The website wouldn't work for you without it.
basket Necessary Cookies This cookie stores a key which is used by the server to load your shopping bag. The shopping basket wouldn't work without it.
wishlist Necessary Cookies This cookie stores a key which is used by the server to load your wishlist. The wishlist wouldn't work without it.
_utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmx, _utmxx, _utmz, _hj Necessary Cookies These cookies enable our analytics services provided by Google and Hotjar to work. This helps us to take visitor information such as browser type, mobile or desktop devices, commonly viewed pages and more. This helps us to improve our website and shopping experience. The data stored by these cookies never shows any confidential information.



For more information on how to manage cookies on popular browsers, please see below:


  PC Instructions MAC Instructions
Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox

  1. At the top right of the Firefox window, click on the 'Application Menu' icon and then click 'Settings'
  2. Select 'Privacy & Security' from the menu
  3. Under 'Enhanced Tracking Protection', select the 'Custom' option
  4. Select the 'Cookies' checkbox and from the dropdown menu select 'All cookies (will cause sites to break)'

Mozilla Firefox

  1. At the top right of the Firefox window, click on the 'Application Menu' icon and then click 'Settings'
  2. Select 'Privacy & Security' from the menu
  3. Under 'Enhanced Tracking Protection', select the 'Custom' option
  4. Select the 'Cookies' checkbox and from the dropdown menu select 'All cookies (will cause sites to break)'
Google Chrome

Google Chrome

  1. Click on the three-dot 'Customise and control Google Chrome' icon at the top right of the browser window 
  2. Click 'Settings' and then select 'Privacy and security' from the menu
  3. Under 'Privacy and security', select 'Cookies and other site data'
  4. Under 'General settings', select the option for 'Block all cookies (not recommended)'

Google Chrome

  1. Click on the three-dot 'Customise and control Google Chrome' icon at the top right of the browser window
  2. Click 'Settings' and then select 'Privacy and security' from the menu
  3. Under 'Privacy and security', select 'Cookies and other site data'
  4. Under 'General settings', select the option for 'Block all cookies (not recommended)'
Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer

  1. Click on the gear icon ('Tools') at the top right of the browser window
  2. Select 'Internet Options' from the menu and select the 'Privacy' tab
  3. Click the 'Advanced' button
  4. Under 'First-party Cookies' and 'Third-party Cookies' select 'Block'
  5. Click 'OK'

Internet Explorer

  1. Click on 'Explorer' at the top of your browser window and select 'Preferences' option
  2. Scroll down until you see 'Cookies' under 'Receiving Files'
  3. Select the 'Never Accept' option
Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge

  1. Click on the three-dot 'More' icon in the top right then select 'Settings' from the menu
  2. Click 'Cookies and Site Permissions' on the menu
  3. Click on 'Manage and delete cookies and site data' in the 'Cookies and data stored' screen
  4. Now switch off the option for 'Allow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended)'

Microsoft Edge

  1. Click on the three-dot 'More' icon in the top right then select 'Settings' from the menu
  2. Click 'Cookies and Site Permissions' on the menu
  3. Click on 'Manage and delete cookies and site data' in the 'Cookies and data stored' screen
  4. Now switch off the option for 'Allow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended)'
  • Safari
  1. Click on 'Safari' at the top of your browser window and select the 'Preferences' option
  2. Click on the 'Privacy' tab
  3. Check the option for 'Prevent cross-site tracking'
  4. Now check the option for 'Block all cookies'
  • Safari
  1. Click on 'Safari' at the top of your browser window and select the 'Preferences' option
  2. Click on the 'Privacy' tab
  3. Check the option for 'Prevent cross-site tracking'
  4. Now check the option for 'Block all cookies'
  • Opera
  1. Click on the three lines 'Easy Setup' icon at the top right of the browser window
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the menu and select 'Go to full browser settings'
  3. Click 'Advanced' from the menu and select 'Privacy & security'
  4. Under 'Privacy and security' and click 'Cookies and other site data'
  5. Select 'Block all cookies (not recommended)'
  • Opera
  1. Click on the three lines 'Easy Setup' icon at the top right of the browser window
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the menu and select 'Go to full browser settings'
  3. Click 'Advanced' from the menu and select 'Privacy & security'
  4. Under 'Privacy and security' and click 'Cookies and other site data'
  5. Select 'Block all cookies (not recommended)'


If you use an alternative browser, you may be able to find further information by visiting the browser developer's site.


To the extent that any of the cookies collect personal data, please see our Privacy Policy for details as to how this personal data is used.


If you have any questions in relation to this policy - or our approach to cookies - please do not hesitate to contact us.