Hi Bobby
See attached circuit diagram
Here's an idea to check the important heater components
Can you make a couple of 6 inch test leads, male terminals either end
We are then going to disconnect the heater ECU ( 3 PLUGS)
We’re interested at this stage in the 6 pin plug ( B) and 8 pin plug (C )
Test lead 1 – join together the brown wires on the 6 pin plug ( pin 2) and the 8 pin plug ( pin 5)
Test lead 2
a) To test the combustion air motor – connect the 2nd test cable between red wire 6 pin plug ( pin 4) and 8 pin plug ( pin 2 - black)
b) To test the fuel solenoid / melt fuse / overheat switch etc - connect the 2nd test cable between red wire 6 pin plug ( pin 4) and 8 pin plug ( pin 4 - blue)
c) To test the ignition coil - connect the 2nd test cable between red wire 6 pin plug ( pin 4) and 8 pin plug ( pin 8 - yellow)
Let me know what you find via email sales@butlertechnik.com
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